FoodLol 自定义食物材质 | |
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在游戏中加入完全定制的食物。 |
作 者 | TheTealViper |
发布时间 | 2017年11月21日 |
支持核心 | Spigot | 原生版本 |
支持版本 | 1.14,1.15,1.16,1.17 |
🍔 FoodLol 插件允许玩家食用自定义材质的食物,并自定义食物对饥饿值和生命值的影响。它还支持自定义食用音效、食用冷却,以及食用后产生的各种效果。
: 使用所有命令的权限。需要了解 这篇文章 中关于自定义物品模型的工作原理,并将其应用到插件的配置中。
如果没有资源包,物品必须是自定义材质的头颅。可以参考 Minecraft-Heads。
<code class="language-yaml">##########################################################<br /># FoodLol Config #<br />##########################################################<br /><br />Cooldown: 2<br />#This is the cooldown in seconds between "eating" food items<br />#This is in use because there is no eating animation<br /><br />Cooldown_Message: "&ePlease wait to swallow..."<br />#This is the message if players attempt to eat too soon after<br />#just eating<br /><br />Sound:<br /> default: "ENTITY_GENERIC_EAT"<br /> AddThemLikeThis: "ENTITY_GHAST_SCREAM"<br />#You don't have to include this for each food type but for the<br />#specifics that you want to change, put them here.<br />#<br /><br />Override_Max_Health: true<br />#If this is enabled and a food item gives more health than a<br />#player's maximum health, it will increase their maximum<br />#health to account for it. This can be used to get unsafe<br />#amounts of health with too many items<br /><br />Food:<br /> ExampleFoodIdentifier:<br /> health: 0<br /> hunger: 1<br /> id: "DIAMOND_SWORD"<br /> name: "&r&l&1L&2o&3l&4l&5i&6p&7o&8p"<br /> lore:<br /> - "&r&dA delicious lollipop."<br /> return:<br /> id: "STICK"<br /> name: "&r&1Lollipop Stick"<br /> lore:<br /> - "&r&7This seems a bit useless."<br /> flags:<br /> - "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES"<br /> - "HIDE_UNBREAKABLE"<br /> tags:<br /> - "unbreakable:1"<br /> - "forcestack:12"<br /> - "custommodeldata:296370"<br /> commands:<br /> - "/say I like men."<br /> AddThemLikeThis:<br /> health: -2<br /> hunger: 0<br /> id: "DIAMOND_SWORD"<br /> name: "&r&l&aPoison"<br /> lore:<br /> - "&r&2Probably don't eat this."<br />#Here is where you add all the food items you want to create<br />#health - The change in health the player gets upon eating. Can be negative. Not optional to include.<br />#hunger - The change in hunger the player gets upon eating. Can be negative. Not optional to include.<br />#id - This is intended to be the item of a custom textured item. You should know how this works. Not optional to include.<br />#return - The item the player gets back in their inventory after eating. Uses this same formatting but without health and hunger. Optional to include<br />#amount - This is the size of the item stack. Optional. Not sure why you'd use this but it's an option.<br />#name - This is the name of the item. Optional.<br />#lore - This is the lore of the item. Must follow multiple line structure. Optional.<br />#enchantments - Format is 'ENCHANTMENT:LEVEL'. Optional. Not sure why you'd add it but it's an option.<br />#- arrowdamage<br />#- arrowfire<br />#- arrowinfinite<br />#- arrowknockback<br />#- damage<br />#- digspeed<br />#- durability<br />#- fireaspect<br />#- knockback<br />#- lootbonusblock<br />#- lootbonusmob<br />#- luck<br />#- protectionfall<br />#- protectionfire<br />#- silktouch<br />#effects - Format is 'EFFECT:LEVEL:TIME (seconds)'.This is the effects that a player will receive upon eating a certain food. Must follow multiple line structure. Optional.<br /># - Effect names can be found at<br /># -<br />#commands - Format is '/COMMAND'. This forces the player to run a command with max permissions. Just to specify however, the player is running the command not server. Optional.<br />#tags - Used to make some custom item attributes. All these are optional.<br />#- playerskullskin:VALUE<br />#- vanilladurability:DURABILITY<br />#- custommodeldata:SevenDigitNumber<br /><br /><br />##########################################################<br /># Version #<br />##########################################################<br /><br />VERSION: 9<br />#Do not touch this. No touchy.</code>